I combine science with self reflection to help you find ways of eating, moving, and caring for yourself that improve health and happiness for the long haul.
I focus on building relationships and creating an accepting and inspiring environment in which you feel heard, respected, supported, and challenged. I believe that contradictions often hold the most truth. I want to help you learn to treat your body as your friend rather than your enemy and to trust and accept yourself while being willing to challenge yourself. I focus on progressing towards our goals while learning how to love ourselves exactly as we are.
I believe in the importance of flexibility and an open mind as we adapt to our changing life situations, environments, and bodies. I'm not here to tell you what to do - I'm here to help you figure out how to move forward.
MS in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology from Teachers College, Columbia University
Registered Dietitian through the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance
Additional training in Yin, Reiki, Anatomy, & Yoga with Resistance Bands
registered dietitian & yoga teacher
My partner and I moved out of Brooklyn, NY in August 2022 and have spent the past year traveling around the US and Latin America. I love meditating, hiking, soul-quenching conversations, listening to & telling stories, cooking, the comfort of a yoga studio, and getting physically and emotionally stronger.
My first career was in food sustainability, and I have a deep passion for social and environmental justice. I have my yoga teacher training and my masters degree in nutrition and exercise physiology. I have experience with one-on-one and group nutrition counseling and yoga teaching, writing and editing nutrition and supplement articles for private practices and major media outlets, co-founding a private practice with a dear friend, and studying mindfulness and meditation.
I grew up in an environment where there were clear expectations, clear definitions of good and bad, right and wrong. I spent many years jumping from one dogma to the next, trying to find the "perfect" approach. From veganism to extreme anti-diet, from high intensity exercise only to nothing-but-rest yoga, I tried on structured philosophies in order to find the "perfect" framework.
At first, black and white thinking felt comforting and secure - there was always a clear answer. But, in time, I noticed that all-or-nothing thinking was limiting and made me feel judgmental of both myself and those I disagreed with. I also saw how rigidity and perfectionism were getting in the way of taking risks and healing. I was looking outside of myself for answers. I realized that I wanted space to question ideas, to be open to learning from both the people I had labeled as "right" AND those I had labeled as "wrong." I was eager to find an approach that adapted to meet each person's needs and values.
My years of going between extremes helped me get to a place where I felt ready to start learning how to live in the grey area. I learned the secret sauce of finding a balance between rest, patience, and compassion with a willingness to work hard, challenge ourselves, and, at times, walk straight towards discomfort and uncertainty.
I use a nuanced, balanced approach to health that combines our intuition with science and insight from personal experience. My approach is adaptable to meet each of us where we're at, without judgment, in order to find health, healing, and joy.